Goa’s Casino Earnings will be Considered as Economic Activity

casino_markerIn a latest update form the gambling friendly state in India, sooner all its Casino earning’s will be considered as economic activity. The ongoing Economic Census will mark all the earnings of state approved casinos in this category. As gambling is legal in a limited number of states in India, this anticipated move will improve the situation for limited number of casinos in Goa and maybe other states will follow this in coming months.

Goa has more than a dozen casinos on-shore and six off-shore which are legalized by the Goa government. Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has already started gathering the information for the sixth economic census in Goa. “Apart from the Casinos all other businesses involved in production and distribution of goods and services except for those who does it for self-consumption will also be taken into account under the economic census”, said the officials.

Deputy Director General of Economic Census, Sunil Jain made a statement in front of media and said, “Since casinos are legally permitted in Goa, we will consider earnings through casino gambling as an economic activity”. He further added that all the other states where gambling is not legal, no such action will take place under economic census.

Legalize casinos are an integral part of the Goa Tourism as they attract many a tourists from India all around the year. The inclusion of casinos in economic census is a good move as it may increase the chances of permitting more casinos to operate from the state.